Whether it’s a Sunday-driver, a vintage beauty, or an everyday commute vehicle – many people make the decision to store their car for the winter in order to keep it in top shape while they are not using it.
However, properly storing your vehicle for any time of extended disuse is very important. You don’t want to just park it in the garage and cover it. Months of neglect can leave you with some less than pleasant surprises when you uncover your vehicle in the spring, such as maintenance issues, aesthetic problems, or even a rodent infestation.
The auto experts at MASRepair know how much you love your car and want to protect it – even when you aren’t using it. So, we have compiled a list of essential steps that every vehicle owner planning on storing their car for the winter should follow to ensure their car remains in great shape all winter long.
Handle Any Necessary Repairs
You probably don’t want to get your car out of storage next spring and suddenly remember that you have a bunch of repairs to make before you can get it back on the road. Whether your ABS light is on, your AC isn’t working as well as it should, or your lights are malfunctioning – you should get this all fixed before storing your vehicle.
We can help you take care of all your electronic systems repairs quickly and conveniently whether you are located in the Atlanta-area or nationwide. Learn more about our convenient mail-in service to take care of all your repairs for much less than traditional repair shops and dealerships.
Top Off Fluids
Get your vehicle’s oil changed and have the fluids checked to ensure you don’t have a leak that could drain your levels if left untreated for an extended period of time. You should also consider putting a fuel stabilizer into your gas tank to help prevent corrosion in your fuel lines and tank.
Adjust Tire Pressure
Many tires can slowly lose pressure over time – especially with changing environmental temperatures. A flat tire can put pressure on your rim and even bend your wheel over time. Before storing your vehicle, it’s important to check for leaks and inflate your tires to the highest recommended inflation listed on the side of the tire.
Clean it Out
Remove any trash and miscellaneous items from your vehicle and have the interior detailed and polished. If you steam clean the carpets, ensure you give it adequate time to dry before storing the vehicle as trapped accumulated moisture could lead to mildew and mold issues over time. It’s also a good idea to purchase a few packs of desiccant to place on the floorboards so they can absorb any moisture that may become trapped – just in case.
Protect it Against Infestation
In the colder months, mice rats and other small areas may seek shelter in your vehicle and cause damage to seats, electrical components, and engine systems. Place a sock loosely in the tail pipe of your vehicle to prevent animals from crawling up there. You will need to be sure you remove this before turning the vehicle on when you take it out of storage, so leave yourself a note taped to the ignition.
It’s also helpful to stuff dryer sheets in the crevices of your seats to make them less appealing for small animals to burrow and nest in. They won’t like the smell and are more likely to stay away.
Cover it Up
Choose a high-quality car cover that is waterproof and fitted so it won’t be easily blown off. If you store your car regularly, think about investing in a model specific cover from your dealer as the extra-protection and enhanced fit it provides may be worth the extra cost.
Get More Help from MASRepair.com
If you have a specific car repair question or are looking for help repairing an issue with your vehicle’s control system, contact us about our convenient and economical mail-in repair service.
We offer fast 24-hour turnaround times for auto parts repair at a fraction of the cost of traditional auto body shops and dealerships. Contact us to learn more.